


Dedicated, passionate and experienced professionals with diversified skills.

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Sylvain Imbeault cofounded the firm in 1998, initially under the name of Imbeault & Caron Inc. He’s since been assuming the role of strategic advisor to the firm's clients. A member of l’Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec, he also holds the titles of Financial security advisor and mutual fund representative associated with SFL Wealth Management, partner of Desjardins. Sylvain cumulates many years of experience in accounting, entrepreneurship and management, notably as a business owner.

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Stéphanie Fortin joined the firm in 2007. She has a background in business administration, and as an assistant, she is responsible for coordinating operations. She is well known and recognized for the quality of the support and service she provides to our clients.

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Simon Imbeault joined the firm in 2009, where he held various positions until 2016. That same year, he obtained his license to act as a financial security advisor and completed his Bachelor of Business Administration from l’Université du Québec à Montréal. He is also a mutual fund representative associated with SFL Wealth Management, partner of Desjardins. He actively contributes to the maintenance and growth of the firm's relationships and assumes important responsibilities related to business development.

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Thierry Drouin Paquette joins the firm in 2017, following the completion of his Bachelor of Business Administration from l’Université du Québec à Montréal. That same year, he obtained licenses to act as both financial security and group insurance plan advisor. He is also a mutual fund representative associated with SFL Wealth Management, partner of Desjardins. In addition, he assumes important responsibilities related to customer service and business development. He is currently studying for his CFA designation.

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Collaborating since 2014, Caroline Cloutier-Larouche specializes in financial analysis and is an important resource for accounting and tax-related issues with our entrepreneurial clients. Member of l’Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec, she holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from Concordia University and she is currently studying for her CFA designation.



Collaborating since 2008, Tanycia Méthé is a senior accounting technician. Our primary resource in terms of planning, she helps individuals and entrepreneurs forecast cash flows for retirement and optimizes asset transfer strategies related to succession.

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Collaborating since 2017, Dominic Leduc is a tax expert and a member of l’Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec. He specializes in planning sale and/or purchase of businesses, estate planning, asset protection, assistance and defense for tax audits, preparation or review of tax returns and preparation of tax provisions.